In English, we will spend two days reading and comprehending the text; one day on the grammar focus and two days planning, writing and editing a text.
Text – Comic book
Grammar Focus
Your grammar focus this week is putting speech in speech bubbles. In Year 2, the focus is not speech punctuation, but it is important that they understand exactly what is being said as this skill is vital when learning speech punctuation next year. In a speech bubble, only what is being said is written.
Go through this PowerPoint: Speech Bubble PPT
Writing Task
Your task is to create a comic with speech bubbles. You will need to create a superhero (or you could be the superhero) and design an adventure for them. Draw the pictures on the sheet, then stick the speech bubbles on top.
- Superhero as your main character
- A problem to solve (this could be a villain to beat or someone to save)
- Speech bubbles to show what the characters are saying
- Amazing pictures drawn by you
Resources to help:
Watch this video to learn more about creating a comic strip: BBC Creating a Comic
Reading and Phonics
Children should spend 20 minutes at least three times per week using Lexia or Reading Plus.
Some children should take part in daily phonics from Ruth Miskin (this may be good for a recap of their phonics knowledge!)
In Maths, we will spend the week focusing on a particular topic e.g. shape or place value. Activities will then be set on Mathletics that are based upon this subject.
Topic – Measurement: Mass, Capacity and Temperature
This week, we will be measurement. We will learn about measuring mass in grams, capacity in ml and temperature in °C.
Each day, work through the PowerPoint and then complete the activities.
Resources to help:
Teaching for the whole week: Week 6 PPT Mass, Capacity and Temperature
Additional activities
Monday: Monday Compare Mass Activity
Tuesday: Tuesday Measure Mass Activity
Wednesday: Wednesday Compare Volume Activity
Wednesday Compare Volume Answers
Thursday: Thursday Measuring in millilitres activity
Thursday Measuring in millilitres answers
Friday: Friday Temperature Activity