Year 6


This week, the whole school has had a change from their normal English lessons and there has been a focus on writing and performing poetry. This is an important element in the National Curriculum and one that enables children to develop their creativity and confidence performing in front of others.


Over the past half-term, Year 6 have been learning about circuits and conductors and insulators. Firstly, the children learnt how to draw the circuit symbols and then used these to draw circuits. They considered circuit faults and how to fix them. Following this, the children learnt about insulators


The Rugby World Cup in France has inspired the Year 6 children over the last half-term and their block of lessons culminated in a tournament between the two classes. Over the last seven weeks, the children have developed their understanding of passing and tagging and it has been fantastic to see the


In English this half term, we have read the book ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo. It has been part of our topic on ‘Peacekeepers’ and has provided a link to our work on the Second World War and what life was like on the home front. We have done various pieces of work which have allowed us to exp


One of our schools rules is about being ‘Safe’ and, in Year 6, the children get to visit SafetyWorks! in Newcastle to re-enforce this idea of safety in their everyday life and in how they behave in the community. As children grow older, we recognise that they will encounter different situations and


Many years ago, computing in schools was about teaching children how to type and to use PowerPoint, Whilst these are still important skills, there is so much more on offer with the current curriculum at Harlow Green. One of the school’s curriculum drivers is ‘Possibilities’ and in computing the chil


The new year has seen children taking initial assessments in Accelerated Reader and Reading Plus. This provides them with a level to begin their reading journey from for this academic year. The children are then able to access these programmes in school, but, perhaps more importantly, with your supp