This week in our reception class, the children embarked on an exciting exploration of their homes. We began by reading the delightful story “Me on the Map” by Joan Sweeney, which sparked their imaginations….
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Our latest activities
Today, as usual on a Friday, the children in Year 6 have worked incredibly hard on a practice arithmetic test. The lesson began with the children practising written subtraction with decimals and short and…
This term in PE, Year Two have been learning gymnastics. First, the children learnt how to show a quality standing position, with their feet together and their arms by their sides. They used this…
In their weekly French lessons, Year 4A have been learning how to say and write rooms within a home. This week, the children have been learning how to say the different types of rooms…
This week in maths, the boys and girls have been working on multiplying 2-digit by one digit numbers. We began by recapping how to partition 2 digit numbers into 10s and 1s and they…
After the children played some bird identification games, where they had to find birds from name only rather than images, the children were encouraged to build some Mega-nests. First as a whole class, then…
News from our classes