Starting Reception
Information for parents/carers with children starting Reception or who are considering choosing Harlow Green.
The wearing of uniform is an essential part of being a pupil at Harlow Green Community Primary.

Diary Dates
Upcoming dates for events in and out of school, including term & holiday dates for the coming school year.

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Our latest activities

Healthy or Unhealthy?
Healthy or Unhealthy?
This week Nursery have been thinking about the how we can keep our bodies healthy by the foods we eat. We read the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ which is a story about a body who…
Happy Harvest!
Happy Harvest!
This afternoon, Harlow Green celebrated Harvest Festival in the hall. In Music assemblies this half term, the children have all been singing some songs related to Harvest such as ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’, ‘Harvest Rock and…
Rain Doesn’t Stop Play
Rain Doesn’t Stop Play
Despite torrential rain our Year 2 children still enjoyed a very busy afternoon in the Forest School. This was a free-play session. Free play allows us see how well children are applying their understanding…
Creative Stories at Angel Court
Creative Stories at Angel Court
We continue to take part in the Creative Storytelling sessions with the charity Equal Arts and our friends at Angel Court. This week we finished the collage, adding the printed adjectives in strips to…
Brilliant Batik!
Brilliant Batik!
This week, the children finished off their unit in Art by producing river scenes onto cloth using the method of batik.  Last week, the children sketched two designs of river landscapes and then selected…
Reception Home Learning Workshop
Reception Home Learning Workshop
This week in Reception, the parents were invited to a workshop with information about Early Years. The children came along to the workshop and enjoyed sitting with their adult to complete some activities in…

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News from our classes