
Reception had a fantastic Christmas party. They did a lot of dancing, singing and playing party games. The children enjoyed their party food and a surprise visit from Santa Claus!  We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!  


Year 6 have had fun this week investigating shadows using Christmas props. They thought about why shadows are formed and how to make shadows bigger and smaller. they then used this knowledge to make conclusions about why shadows might change size during the day because of the position of the sun.


The boys and girls in both morning and afternoon nursery, performed their nativity plays today for their parents and carers.  They all looked great and did a fantastic job acting and singing.  Well done everyone!


The Year 1 and 2 children have had a wonderful Christmas party this afternoon. They all enjoyed plenty of dancing, games and were even lucky enough to have a visit from Santa! Thank you to all parents and careers for the contributions of party food. We wish you all a magical Christmas and happy new


Year 5 and 6 have enjoyed their Christmas Party today. They have danced, played games, eaten and most of all had FUN! Thank you to all of the parents for the buffet donations – we hope none of the children have over-indulged too much! Thank you for all of your support over this term. We wish you all


A huge well done to all the children in Year 2 who were absolute superstars in both of their performances today. We are all so proud of them!