This week the children have been finding out about bears. They enjoyed looking at a non-fiction text on the interactive board about different types of bears. The children were particularly interested in polar bears so we set up an arctic scene in the water tray. The children were fascinated to learn how ice was made and liked exploring the giant ice blocks that we froze. We also read lots of stories about bears. The children enjoyed sharing the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and then retelling the story in the role play area and book area. We tasted delicious porridge at snack time that Mrs Anderson had made just right! We also read ‘ This is the Bear and the Picnic Lunch’ and then made our own pretend and real picnics. We enjoyed the sandwiches that we made at the picnic area on the field and talked about our own experiences of going on picnics. After reading ‘Biscuit Bear’, the children made their own biscuits that they decorated with yellow icing like Pudsey Bear.
- Finding out about bears.
- Delicious sandwiches!
- Enjoying our picnic
- exploring ice
- Reading Goldilocks
- Cosy in our bear cave
- Delicious porridge
- making and copying patterns with the compare bears