At Nursery, the children enjoy singing rhymes and songs every single day! To celebrate ‘National Nursery Rhyme Week’ the children have been doing lots of activities linked to their favourite rhymes. We started the week by writing a list of our favourite rhymes and then discussed activities that we could do linked to these rhymes. Take a look at some of the lovely activities we did.
- Counting ‘The Queen of Heart’s’ Tarts
- Making jam tarts
- The queen of Hearts she made some tarts….
- Painting frogs mixing our own green paint
- 5 Little Speckled Frogs
- How many monkeys do i need?
- 5 Little Monkeys jumping on the bed…
- 12345 Once i caught a fish alive…
- Monkey counting game
- Using the instruments to sing Nursery rhymes
- Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall…
- 10 green bottles