Over the last term we have been continuing our visits to Angel Court Residential Home. The children love to share stories about our hens here at Harlow Green, many of the residents remember helping out in the allotments as children so comparing hen related anecdotes is always fun.
We decided we would make so bright collages to go into the windows in the Angel Court Community Room. Busy hands and lots of chat made for some lively afternoons. Sometimes the residents need a bit of help with the detailed bits but between old and young they produced some beautiful work.
You can visit the community cafe at Angel Court if you would like to admire the artwork on display.
- Planning the images.
- Fiddly feathers.
- Starting to take shape.
- Mother and daughter working together.
- The images look lovely with the sun shining through.
- At the end of the session we enjoy a bit of fun playing the balloon game.
- Every time you hit the balloon you have to name an animal beginning with a particular letter.
- “Makes me feel like a giddy girl again” said one resident.