
This week in Reception, the boys and girls have been building an obstacle course in the outdoor area. They used a variety of objects such as bricks, tyres, hoops and blocks. The children used their balancing skills to walk along the obstacle course.    


Year 2 have really enjoyed their Science topic. They have been learning about habitats and this afternoon enjoyed making their own bug hotel to keep on the field. The children filled their pots with dry grass, sticks, leaves and rolled up cardboard. We hope to see that lots of bugs and insects have


The children have had loads fun this week making pressure pad alarms in DT. We even got every design working successfully!  


In Science, Year 6 have been investigating how to make bulbs dimmer and brighter in circuits. They have added cells, other components, made wires longer and used different thicknesses of wires. It was interesting to make conclusions and give reasons for the observations that they made.


This term, our Early Years team held the local authority’s Early Years cluster meeting. The meeting involved working with an artist from the Baltic Gateshead and exploring shapes through different kinds of artwork. People came from local schools and everyone enjoyed investigating and trying out some


In Year 3, the boys and girls have been learning about how shadows change over time. The children made predictions and completed an investigation to explore what would happen to their shadows at different times of the day. The boys and girls had great fun using opaque shadow puppets to block out the


In Year 3 the children have been learning about the advances made by the ancient Egyptians. The boys and girls found out about how the obelisks were used as shadow clocks to help tell the time. The childrens’ learning about how shadows change in science helped them to understand how this could work.


This year, we are taking part in Operation Christmas Child! This is a global project in which gift-filled shoe boxes are distributed to children in need around the world. Gifts to put in the shoe boxes range from toys, clothes or even something homemade! A full list of items that can be included and


Today in year 4, the children have loved investigating how switches in an electrical circuit work. They then worked in groups to create their very own switch for their circuit using everyday objects such as paper clips, split pins and tinfoil!  


Over the last couple of weeks, Year 5 have been designing and building bridges to fit a specific brief. We improved our designs over a lesson or two until we were happy with a final design. Building the bridges was fun but challenging, as the joins were quite tricky. Eventually they were tested with