After reading ‘The Little Red Hen’, the Nursery children have been making their own bread rolls. They used their fingers to kneed and stretch the dough before leaving it to rise. The children were very excited to taste their bread when it was baked.
Last month we launched a recycling campaign in school linked to national recycling week (week beginning Monday 24th September). We had two ‘Waste Awareness’ assemblies where the children learnt about the benefits of using rechargeable batteries, how to recycle batteries responsibly as well as th
In RE this week, year 4 have been learning about why many Christians go on pilgrimages and why these places are so special to them. They researched the history of Lourdes in France, including the amazing story of St. Bernadette and her incorruptible body. They presented the information as leaflets f
In Year 3 the boys and girls have been learning how to create monoprints. Over the last week the boys and girls have developed different skills including using a roller, inking up a slab and printing over different textures and surfaces. They designed a symbol that represented an Egyptian God and pr