In Year 3 the children have been learning about how mirrors work as part of our science topic on light. The boys and girls have been exploring reflection and how light reacts to different surfaces. The children used mirrors to write secret messages and to help find their way along the yard without l
A big thank you to everyone who attended and donated towards our Macmillan Coffee Afternoon, there were plenty of wonderful cakes and biscuits to go around. It is fantastic that we can host such an event for a brilliant cause and look forward to doing more in the future. When we have tallied up the
During our science work on forces we have conducted experiments on air resistance and friction. Chief scientists (the ones in white lab coats) helped us carry out fair tests and only changing one variable and keeping all the other elements of the investigation the same. We discovered that the larger
As Autumn is in full swing, the children enjoyed an afternoon in the September sun clearing our raised beds. They have started to turn over the compost, collect poppy and nasturtium seed pods for drying and began weeding some of our flower beds. Whilst this was going on the children made windy rib
In English, Year 6 have been reading ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo. In the story, two evacuee children called David and Tucky see a plane crash on the moors which nobody else notices. We carried out a Newsround style report by interviewing the boys, the Home Guard and the farmer who was lookin
Kids R Fit have been working with the Year 6 children to prepare them for life as Playground Buddies. Staff from the company came into school and worked with the children who had applied for the positions to help them to understand their role and to know some games that they could lead. The children