
In Design and Technology Year One have been investigating how pictures move. They made a zooming rocket using a slider. Then we all zoomed off to space!


Year One have been learning all about Mary Anning. The children made a palaeontologist tool belt with a chisel and a magnifying glass. They also made the ammonite necklace that her dad gave to her. They acted out different parts of the story and discussed how it felt to be Mary.


Year 6 have been designers and inventors in the making this week! They have researched what Morse Code transmitters were and how they were used to send coded messages during World War II. They have then designed and made their own transmitter. It was tricky to make the net, but in the end they all m


This week the children have been finding out about bears.  They enjoyed looking at a non-fiction text on the interactive board about different types of bears.  The children were particularly interested in polar bears so we set up an arctic scene in the water tray.  The children were fascinated to


In Science, Year 2 have been learning about food chains. The children have been using some scientific vocabulary such as: predator, prey, producer, consumer, herbivore, carnivore and omnivore. The children were keen to make their own food chain. They did this by linking their parts in a paper chain


This week at nursery, the children have been excited to talk about their experiences of bonfire night.  We talked about fireworks and created our own firework pictures using marbles dipped in paint to roll across our pictures.  We made a pretend bonfire outside and ate marshmallows that we pretend


Year 4 have been creating sketch maps of our local area this week. To ensure they were accurate and to add extra details -such as bus stops, traffic lights and foot bridges- we got out and about with a walk to the Angel of the North! The children (and adults!) had great fun visiting the Angel. &nbsp


Over this week, we have taken time in school to talk about the importance of Remembrance Day.  This has been particularly important this year with 2018 marking one hundred years since the end of the First World War. On Monday, the children listened to an assembly which shared various aspects about


In Reception, we celebrated Bonfire Night by doing lots of different activities. We made firework pictures, thought of firework sounds, made colourful firework bottles, collected sparkly objects, and made sparkly stars. The children practised writing letters in firework coloured sand. The children l