At the end of last term year 6 discussed ways to improve and maintain their mental health, what things could they do to help stay emotionally and mentally fit. Through our Forest School we aim to embed their understanding by giving them practical situations to demonstrate their knowledge.
Planning and performing a skit linked to mental well-being proved to be an interesting and entertaining activity which we will elaborate on over the next few weeks. The hardest aspect was trying to ensure a clear message.
Article 17 – We all have the right to be given safe and honest information that we can understand.
- I scenario involving bullying had a promising start.
- The children will work on how to bring their ideas together so that they finish with a clear message.
- Here a group of children are delivering a game show. based on mental health.
- This proved to be a good format to get alot of information across to the audience.
- The contestants gave very clear answers however a lack of planning meant that the game lacked momentum.
- Next week the children have the opportunity to hone their ideas.
- Interviewing was a fantastic idea, this was intended to run as a chat show.
- On reflection the children realised the importance of planning so that the questions were more specific to the topic.
- This was also a depiction of bullying however they pulled the story together at the end with demonstration of how a little kindness can change how someone feels.
- This was the most successful performance, the boys did great job with a song about how music can bring joy and happiness.
- Not only was the rhythm good but in only a few lyrics they got across the benefits of learning a skill that makes you good.
- Another gameshow delivered with confidence.
- The concept was good and the energy was great but the message got a bit lost so more work needed to ensure the audience are informed.