If you have self-identified as being a Key Worker who wishes to access our school childcare provision, we are expecting that you will bring your child to school on the days that are appropriate for you during the week, until we collate more accurate information.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Thank you for your support and help over the last few weeks and for trusting us with your child during this extremely testing time.
We think that we have, at this stage, appropriate staffing levels which will allow your children to be happy and safe whilst giving them space, where possible, to socially distance themselves from each other. We will also have a number of the school’s senior leadership team members and at least two first-aiders on site each day.
School will be open from 8:45am for a ‘soft’ drop off to school but also Lamesley child-care will be available for those already registered with them and who need to bring their child earlier.
On Monday, we would like all children to come to the yard entrance where the hall doors are. From here we will great children and take them to where they will spend the day. We are taking the advice around socially distancing ourselves very seriously so please do not congregate together on the yard, where possible, as the ability to keep the school open relies on our staff being well and healthy.
The children will then go to different areas in the school depending on their age. At this stage, and whilst staffing levels can sustain this, we plan to have children organised as:
- Nursery and reception in an Early Years group (Reception classroom)
- Year 1 and 2 children will work and play in a Key Stage 1 group (Y1 & Y2 classrooms)
- Year 3 and 4 children will work and play in a Lower Key Stage 2 group (Y3 & Y4 classrooms)
- Year 5 and 6 children will be together in a Upper Key Stage 2 group (Y5 & Y6 classrooms)
We have carefully set our staffing up so that your children will know the staff that will be working with them. All of your children will initially have staff around them who know their individual needs and interests well which we aim to sustain for as long as possible.
School will feel very different to your children for the first few days. They will have more personal space than they have had before, and this may need explaining to your children as it is so different to what they are used to. We will try our best to do this in school but will require you to support this at home. Although there will be opportunities for your children to do some reading and maths activities, school provision is now a care setting and the activities will be adjusted to meet these needs.
Although we have requested children to bring a packed lunch to school for Monday, we will be looking to see if this needs to be organised differently but must wait to see how the week progresses with pupils. We do not have fruit deliveries any longer so we would encourage children to bring a midday snack (preferably healthy and definitely no nut products). Please remember to bring in a full water bottle each day – this will come home each night so you can give it a good clean!
We aim to do a range of activities with the children, whilst we have the staffing levels; over time these activities will involve: arts and crafts, technology and computing, forest school activities and physical education using the yard, MUGA, hall and wider grounds. As you can imagine, our staff will ensure that your children have a well-structured and enjoyable time in school and we think that our pupils will quickly get used to their new ‘school’ day.
The children are not required to wear school uniform during this period of time. However, you must make sure that they have clothes on that are appropriate for school and for the changing weather conditions.
We would request that you talk to your children about expected levels of behaviour. Although school is organised differently, our expectations of behaviour will remain the same and, as always, we expect your support in this matter. It is important that our staff can safely support your children and that your children behave in a kind, courteous and safe manner towards their peers and adults within school – at all times.
School will remain open until the normal time of 3:20pm and parents should collect from the yard where the children will be dismissed gradually. Again, please to not congregate together in the school yard; keep your social distance.
The school areas that will be used by staff and pupils during the course of the week will receive regular deep cleaning and obviously our children will constantly be reminded to wash their hands and use the hand gels we have in school. If your child requires hand cream to reduce soreness, please bring some and let the staff know.
We need to try and follow as much of the guidance from the government as possible about the coronavirus, social distancing and social isolation. If your child is coughing or has a high temperature you cannot and must not bring them into school. If you do this, it will jeopardise the provision we can offer here at Harlow Green and, as we have said, this provision is a small part in a bigger jigsaw that will keep the country going over the next few weeks and months. If we see that your child is struggling in school with a cough or a temperature you will be asked to come and pick them up as quickly as possible. If your child is showing symptoms of other seasonal illnesses please do not bring them into school. This won’t be fair on them, the other pupils or my staff.
Can I please ask you to check the school’s Website on a regular basis as this will give you information about the provision we are offering and how it is shaping. Please continue to check for texts from school as well.
We would request that you ensure that all contact details and medical information is updated with the school office and that you complete the Key Worker Request form available below.
Many thanks for your continued support and understanding at this time.
Mr M. Malik
Head Teacher