The first week of the summer term is already over and it has been lovely to see everyone getting back into their learning and enjoying even more new experiences at home. Many of you have been making the most of the sunshine; helping out in the garden, creating your own outdoor workouts, playing swingball, walking, cycling (just like Miss Ledger) and having barbecues. There has also been a lot of cooking and baking. Little chefs in the making! Mrs Morris has also tried her hand at baking and is extremely proud of her cookies and chocolate cake! For even more fun ideas, remember to take a look at the summer topic suggestions on the school website.
A big well done to everyone who has started to log back on to Reading Plus, Mathletics and Rockstars! Keep up the great work. The boys won the last battle with an outstanding score of 2355.
We have really enjoyed having the chance to speak to some of you on the phone this week and look forward to hearing from the rest of you in the coming days. In the meantime, stay safe and keep us updated with your photographs. We love to see what you’re getting up to.
Article 19 – We all have the right to be looked after and kept safe