VE Day Celebrations

On Friday 8th of May 2020, the majority of the country took time to celebrate VE Day.  On this occasion, things were different from the usual anniversary of the day when Germany surrendered in 1945; firstly, this time the day marked the 75th anniversary of VE Day and, secondly, this was the first time it had been celebrated in a way in which people could not physically come together.  However, as the people of the UK usually do, in the face of challenge we rise to meet it and this was also the case for the Harlow Green community.

Although we could not be together in body, we could be in spirit.  Over the day, we know that families spent time where they live making decorations, setting up tea parties and having fun in a safe way.  It was important to take time to think about all those who had sacrificed their lives in order to reach a successful end to the war so that we could all live in peace.  The photographs below show how we spent our day doing similar things and appreciating all we have, even when times are hard as they currently are.  The day reminded us how much we miss being able to spend time with the people of our community but we know that the ability to do so will be with us again soon.


Comments (1)

Lovely to see photos also from the teachers. Looks like everyone enjoyed ve day.

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