It’s been 98 days since your home learning began and we think you are all doing wonderfully! We have loved seeing your photos of your writing, as well as the fun activities you’ve been completing (like gardening and exercising to name just a few!).
In school this week, we have welcomed more Year 2 pupils and we have been practising our social distancing carefully, following our adapted school rules to ensure we all continue to stay safe. We have enjoyed writing our diary entries as Mr Wolf from Red Riding Hood and completing lots of measuring work in Maths! We’ve found it a little tricky to remember that a metre is bigger than a centimetre when comparing measurements but by the end of the week we’ve managed to grasp this concept! In topic lessons, we have focussed on our local area. In Geography, we have been learning all about the landmarks in the North-East and created fantastic fact files about them. In Music, we have explored songs from our local area (like the Blaydon races). We have also enjoyed completing our daily mile each day (although due to the intense heat, we walked and skipped for some days!). On Monday, we completed a Joe Wicks workout and both children and teachers joined in and we were still feeling it in our muscles on Wednesday!
We would like to say that we are so impressed with all of your positive attitudes during these strange times (both in school and out). For those of you who are continuing to work from home, we will be uploading our weekly Maths and English post on Monday as normal. We look forward to seeing your hard work so please continue emailing it to us at [email protected]