Another week has passed by and some of us have now been learning at home for 14 weeks! You continue to amaze us with all your hard work and dedication and we have enjoyed seeing photographs of you all taking part in various activities.
This week we have started to look at ‘Macbeth,’ one of William Shakespeare’s most famous and gruesome plays. It has been great to see you all exploring the story and we have had some fantastic news reports written about the death of King Duncan. In maths, you have all been learning about statistics and have been interpreting pie charts and line graphs. Now that the weather has improved, many of us have been getting outside as much as possible and making the most of the sun. In school, we have continued to run ‘the daily mile’ to keep ourselves fit and we have also enjoyed some outdoor learning.
It has been fantastic to see so many of you working so hard while at home and we are, as ever, very proud of you. This week, we have enjoyed seeing you keeping active through daily walks, bike rides and trips to the park. The sun has also drawn many of you into the garden and we are pleased to see that we have some young gardeners among us. We have had some particularly impressive photographs of the sunrise from one year 6 pupil, who, despite the 3:30am wake up, described the view as ‘breath-taking.’ There has been plenty of baking this week and we particularly enjoyed the photographs of somebody’s extra special 11th birthday cake- we hope you had a fantastic day celebrating!
Harlow Green has seen the return of more year groups this week and, as the building starts to fill up, it’s feeling more like a school again. That said, we continue to miss all of you who are working from home and we continue to smile when we see your work and hear the stories of what you have all been up to. Many of you are now accustomed to our weekly post which explains your maths and English work for the week ahead. As ever, this will be posted on Monday for you all and we have no doubt that these will be tackled with as much determination as ever. Remember, we also have TT Rockstars and Purple Mash available for you to explore at home and the ‘Communities’ topic has many activities for you to enjoy.
We hope that you continue to enjoy your home learning and we can’t wait to see the fantastic work that next week will undoubtedly bring.