In English, we will spend two days reading and comprehending the text; one day on the grammar focus and two days planning, writing and editing a text.
Text – Poetry
Grammar Focus
Your grammar focus this week is using apostrophes for contractions.
Watch this video: BBC Contractions
Go through this PowerPoint: Contractions PPT
Activities: Contractions Activity
Writing Task
Your task is to write a poem about an animal of your choice. We will be using Roar! as inspiration for our poems. First, you will need to collect rhyming words to help you when writing your poem. Then use these words at the end of your lines to create rhyming couplets. Look at the example poem to help you!
What I’m Looking For:
- A title
- Rhyming couplets
- Correct punctuation ( , . ! )
Resources to help:
Reading and Phonics
Children should spend 20 minutes at least three times per week using Lexia or Reading Plus.
Some children should take part in daily phonics from Ruth Miskin (this may be good for a recap of their phonics knowledge!)
In Maths, we will spend the week focusing on a particular topic e.g. shape or place value. Activities will then be set on Mathletics that are based upon this subject.
Topic – Time
This week, we will be learning about time. We will start by looking at half past and o’clock on an analogue clock. Then, we will learn about quarter past and quarter to. Finally, we will be learning to read a clock in 5 minute intervals.
Each day, work through the PowerPoint and then complete the activities.
Resources to help:
Teaching for the whole week: Week 5 Maths PPT Time
Additional activities
Monday: Monday o clock and half past activity
Monday o clock and half past answers
Tuesday: Tuesday quarter past and quarter to activity
Tuesday quarter past and quarter to answers
Wednesday and Thursday: Wednesday and Thursday time to 5 minute intervals activity and answers
Friday: Friday Time Problems Activity