In English, we will spend two days reading and comprehending the text; one day on the grammar focus and two days planning, writing and editing a text.
Text – non-chronological report: Brazil
Grammar focus: relative clauses
As we have set relative clauses as the grammar work before (and we’ve done it many, many times in class!) we hope you know what they are by now. They are a key part of the Year 5 English curriculum, which is why we keep coming back to them! As a reminder, a relative clause is when you add extra information about the noun into a sentence.
Writing task
This week, you are going to write a non-chronological report all about… you! Your new teachers can’t wait to meet you, and will be asking you all about yourselves when you arrive back in school in September, so this will be a good practise, and will encourage you to think about yourselves more. Use the Brazil text above as inspiration, for example, in the ‘Where in the World’ section, you might write about where you live, or your favourite place to visit, and you might change ‘Cities and Sightseeing’ into ‘Fun Facts about Me!’
What I’m Looking For:
- A title (including your name!)
- Subheadings
- Pictures with captions
- Detailed information about you and your life!
- A range of sentences including relative clauses, with various relative pronouns
Resources to help
Features of a non-chronological report
Children should spend 20 minutes at least three times per week using Reading Plus.
In maths, we will spend the week focusing on a particular topic, eg. shape or place value. Activities will then be set on Mathletics that are based upon this subject.
Topic – Volume
Children should understand what volume is, how to work out volume in given 3D shapes, and compare volumes with different units.
Resources to help