Autumn and Harvest take over Nursery

The children have taken an interest in the leaves outside and the colours, therefore we have looked at ‘autumn and harvest’ this week, which linked into our theme of ‘My World and Me’. When looking at autumn and harvest we have based this around the stories of ‘Leaf Man’ and ‘Vegetable Glue’.

Maths- We have been focusing on ‘sorting’ this week, discussing how we can sort objects into colours, sizes, and shapes. The children enjoyed sorting the autumn treasures into colours, and sorting my bowl of food into fruits and vegetables.

Topic – We have discussed what autumn is, and how it is different to winter. The children loved going on an autumn hunt, collecting different treasures from our field and making collage pictures in the classroom, as well as displaying our treasures around the room in different areas. Nursery have looked at the different kinds of animals we see in autumn, such as hedgehogs and squirrels, and what they eat. We have also talked about harvest, celebrating food and thanking our farmers. We have looked at combine harvesters and how they are used to plough wheat for our cereal and breads, also how we dig up vegetables from the garden.

Fine Motor- We had added lots of different sized pumpkins to our fine motor area, and the children have enjoyed hammering nails into the pumpkin this week. When making vegetable soup, the children all had a turn at cutting up celery, carrots, potatoes and onions.

Article 31- We all have the right to take part in cultural and creative activities. 

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