Nursery visited our Forest School today to look for signs of Autumn. Along the way they made some exciting discoveries, some small houses had appeared, strange holes in the ground, there were even some messages that looked like they were sent by fairies. The children went deep into the undergrowth to investigate, finding some beautiful leaves, seeds and berries. We talked about how important it is not to eat things that you might find outside, even if they look tasty. Why mushrooms and toadstools in particular can be looked at but not touched. Which plants smell good and which are nice to touch. The children’s confidence in the Forest School is growing every week, collecting activities really help them to know where particular plants can be found and how to keep themselves safe.
Principle 2: Forest School takes place in a woodland or natural wooded environment to support the development of a relationship between the learner and the natural world.
Article 17 – We all have the right to be given safe and honest information that we can understand.
- Who lives in a house like this?
- Hmm interesting, dinosaur footprint perhaps?
- Looking for frogs.
- Could the fairies have visited?
- Popping in to check on the hens.
- Sharing our findings.