End of Week 3 – Thank You

We are now at the end of  the first three weeks of this current lockdown and I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the staff and governors, to thank all those families who have kept their children at home in the aim of reducing the risk of the Covid-19 virus being spread.

Staying at home and supporting home learning is not easy.  We understand that balancing the needs of various household members, including those who have to work at home, creates daily challenges.  However, your efforts are essential in keeping people safe across our school and wider community.  We have a number of parents/carers who work in critical services, such as hospitals and emergency services, and they are doing all they can to help those in need but we know that their efforts are being supported because of the decision families make to keep their children at home, wherever possible.

As hospital admissions increase, I would again like to ask parents/carers who have the potential of using school because of Key Worker status only do so if they absolutely must.  Those children who attending school are doing them same work as those at home and the teacher is facilitating this whilst providing support to parents/carers who contact them.  Although it may be difficult for some children to be supported at home by parents/carers who are working from home, at this point in time, this is a challenge we need parents/carers to take, wherever possible, in the interests of everyone who must attend school.

No matter what measures we put in place, it is inescapable that the more people in the building, the more chance there is of the virus being transmitted.  Your choice to keep your children at home is the key factor in reducing the chances of staff, children and their family members catching Covid-19 and we thank you greatly for all you are doing.

Mr Malik

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