Over the last half term Year 3 have been taking part in various Forest School activities, writing rhymes, tower building and this week, creating simple games. The common link is the need for the children to collaborate no matter what the activity. This over-arching theme of collaboration links directly to their PSE lessons which then gets examined in more detail back in class.
The teams were set beforehand based on the seating arrangements rather than friendship groups. This meant each team had a mix of personalities and skillsets. During each session the children were encouraged to assess how well things were going. Regular pit-stops helped them get to the root of any problems and capitalise on success. They were encouraged to problem solve within their team with only a little guidance from adults. At the end of the challenge we reflected as a whole class. Looked at the work produced and focused on how they could change things next time.
We are now in week 3 of this topic and the children are demonstrating a real understanding of the benefits and potential difficulties that collaborating can bring about. Their ability to resolve issues has improved considerably. They have experienced first hand how much more enjoyable tasks can be when everyone is working to a common goal. They are also now understanding that they can control outcomes themselves. Recognising when things may be taking a turn for the worse and taking the opportunity to do something about it. Whether that be changing the whole plan or some kind words of encouragement.
Once the children had devised and built their games the team had to explain the aim and the rules to two contestants whilst the audience judged entertainment value and creativity.
Principle 3: Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all those involved, fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners
Article 24 – We all have the right to information that keeps us safe and healthy.
- Gathering and examining resources.
- Could this work as a limbo?
- Things started taking shape early with this team.
- A clear vision helped the team work.
- Explained the game.
- Risk assessment was encouraged and any changes made appropriately.
- Sometimes a helping hand builds confidence.
- Simple and effective tug of war.
- This was a role play game that was designed for younger children but who doesn’t enjoy a bit of toasted marshmallows of a pretend fiire.
- Feedback.
- This game included a musical reward for success…….
- and a forfeit of starjumps and press ups for failure.
- Team limbo worked very well….
- the children cleared the area first to make suure everyone was safe if they fell.