One Kind Word

This week it has been ‘Anti-bullying Week’ and we have celebrated this across school. Reception joined in to kick off the week with the ‘Odd Socks Day’ campaign. This highlights the importance of being unique and that no matter our differences, difficulties and disabilities, everyone needs to be treated equally! We have learnt about bullying and what this means through our assembly time. The children now know that if they are having yucky feelings or feel like someone is upsetting them, then they come to a trusted adult who will try and help.

Reception have read the story ‘Rainbow Fish’ as part of our literacy work this week. The story follows the journey of a fish and how he starts sharing his shimmering scales to make friends with the other fish through an act of kindness. The children used the concept of this years theme, One Kind Word, to share kind words across Reception and spread smiles! We also created our own rainbow fish in the junk modelling area using various cut and stick materials and made our own kindness crowns to wear during the day to promote kindness to our friends and teachers.

Article 5 – Adults are duty bearers. 

Article 12 – We have the right to say what we think. Adults should listen and take us seriously. 

Article 13 – We have the right to share what we learn, think and feel with others. 

Article 15 – We all have the right to friends. 

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