Twice a day keeps the Dentist away!

This week Reception have learnt all about keeping healthy and hygienic. We started the week reading the story ‘Wiffy Wilson – The Wolf Who Wouldn’t Wash’. This taught us all about good and bad dirt and how to keep our bodies clean and healthy. We talked all about how important it is to wash our hands throughout the day such as after playtime, before lunch, before snack and when we have been to the toilet. The children also investigated food and what makes them healthy or unhealthy. We spent time making our own healthy packed lunches, thinking about what foods we should eat in moderation or as treats.

We had a large focus on dental hygiene this week, as this is something new to the 2021 Early Years curriculum. The children were very lucky in that the dentist came into school to pay us a special visit. They shared with us the importance of brushing our teeth, how often we should brush, what happens to our baby teeth and lots, lots more. As part of their home learning, the children thought of different questions they wanted to ask the dentist in order to find out the answers. The dentist was extremely impressed by their grown-up attitude to learning and the questions they came up with. The Reception children took home with them an individual toothbrush and toothpaste, information parent leaflet and a sticker as a reminder of their learning.

Article 5 – All adults are duty bearers. 

Article 17 – We all have the right to be given safe and honest information, which is not harmful, and that we can understand. 

Article 24 – We all have the right to information that keeps us safe and healthy. 

Article 27 – We all have the right to a good standard of living. 


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