As people may remember, we shared the sad news that Mrs Vi Symons, ex Head Teacher of Harlow Green Infant School, had passed away this year. In commemoration of the impact Mrs Symons had on our school community, governors agreed to make small, yet significant, change to the school.
On Friday 10th December, Vi’s husband and son, were invited into school where representatives from the governors, along with children from our Rights Respect Group, unveiled a plaque underneath a new ‘Symons Street’ sign which renames the activity street corridor on the ground floor.
It was important for the school to recognise the contribution that had been made by Vi over a long period of time and, through an assembly shared with classes, it was clear that the children had clear empathy with this as all showed a tremendous amount of respect.
Mr Symons was greatly appreciative of how the school had wished to remember his wife and how there will be a lasting reminder of her within the school building.