Children in Year 4 spent a challenging morning in our Forest School trying all sorts of different activities. As we’ve all been taking part in the RSPB Big School Birdwatch Miss Rowe thought the children may like to try their hand at nest building, bird style. That means one-handed! The children could decide which hand would be out of action, those who were really determined chose their less dominant hand. Then off they went to collect materials and get busy weaving. Working with one hand helps the children replicate the birds beak, which limits how much you can carry at once and how you need to change the way you manipulate materials. As you can see it wasn’t easy but it was rewarding.
Whilst that was going on, other children practiced their knot work. During our Forest School sessions we are helping the children to gain confidence with tying shoe-lace type knots. Having already had experience of timber hitches they already have a good foundation to try something more complex. Working with thicker rope on large objects can make it easier for the children to learn the knot, before they translate that to shoe laces.
Principle 4: Forest School offers learners the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves.
Article 27 – We all have the right to a good standard of living.
- And so it begins…..
- Now the nest starts to take shape.
- Voila!
- Working the grass around and around
- Using your feet is just what a bird would do.
- Helping hands.
- A timber hitch.
- An expert teaches a beginner.
- Taking time to share skills and support others.
- Meanwhile the band played on.