Week 2 of our Jubilee based sessions with our friends at Angel Court. Todays focus was sowing some wild flowers and getting some of the edible plants in the ground. First job, using our senses, who can identify the herbs? and Which plants are soft fruit? Dom then showed us how to sow wildflower seeds. As the children worked so more residents came to join in. Despite the misty rain we got lots of work done.
Its incredible to think this is only week two, the friendship, warmth and laughter was so beautiful to see. Everyone is so excited about this project, the sensory garden will be enjoyed by so many. Planning and planting it together makes it so special, creating a real community garden.
Principle 1: Forest School is a long-term process of frequent and regular sessions in a woodland or natural environment, rather than a one-off visit. Planning, adaptation, observations and reviewing are integral elements of Forest School.
Article 27 – We all have the right to a good standard of living.
- These sage leaves feel like velvet.
- Mmmm reminds me of roast lamb!
- Lots of debate, can that one really smell like curry?
- This area will be sown with wild flowers to encourage bees and butterflies.
- Chosen for their Royal colours of rich purples.
- Working together gets the job done properly.
- Now the smelly bit….
- ….adding fertiliser rich compost to help grow healthy plants.
- Everyone helped Kath to sow her mixture.
- This was a handy skill, clearing out the dead formia., now we know how to do it to ours back at school.
- The rain didn’t dampen spirits.
- Getting the strawberries ready.
- Working out where is the best place to put them.
- It’s important that they are easily accessible.
- Dom explained that we plant the ‘mother’ strawberry and that she will then send out baby plants so they need space.
- Meanwhile as the rain began some friends headed indoors for a round of bingo.
- They still kept a close eye on the gardening team through the window.
- Raspberries and rhubarb were added.
- Lots of debate about where best to position the plants.
- The bingo was heating up.
- The final of three rounds began to draw and audience.