What a year we have had getting sport back to normal at Harlow Green!
We have enjoyed getting back into proper PE lessons and events this year, and the children have worked really hard in PE, after school clubs and competitions!
We have had numerous sporting achievements – winning lots of medals and trophies which is credit to the children and their motivation to win! The main thing is, is that it has been excellent to see the children improve and develop with their enthusiasm towards sport in school.
We have taken part in a large number of competitions this year including cross country back at the start in September, dancing at The Sage, winning medals at Gateshead Stadium, tournaments in football, athletics, hockey, dancing, boccia and rugby to name a few, whilst we have been restricted on the number of teams we have been allowed to enter – the desire and enthusiasm in the children to get onto the teams has been fantastic.
To keep the children pushing the success at Harlow Green, we also purchased new football strip, which both the boys and girls teams have enjoyed showing off. Thanks to Equans for their sponsorship!
Thank you also to all the parents and carers who have stayed late, brought children in early and picked them up from venues all around the area – without you we couldn’t have done it.
You’ll find lots of pictures in the PE section of our website, and a few attached here including our amazing list of events, medals and prizes!