Wands and broomsticks, potions and ghosts, Year 6 created all sorts of spooky things for Halloween. Using Formia leaves to make fastenings the children worked together to create some fantastic broomsticks, smelly ones, using thyme, sage, mint and lemon balm. Fluffy ones made from rose bay willow herb, and some smaller, faster, lightweight ones for wizards and witches who like to race. They took their creations onto the Key Stage 1 yard for Reception children to test out. Lots of whizzing about in their fancy outfits.
Meanwhile they created little ghosts suing conkers or pine cones and calico. These were hidden around the Forest School for the younger children to find.
Principle 2: Forest School takes place in a woodland or natural wooded environment to support the development of a relationship between the learner and the natural world.
Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education.
- WoooooHoooo
- Spooky clay creatures.
- A fantastic broomstick.
- Autumn wands.
- A smelly broomstick.
- Your never too old to fly on a broomstick.
- Reception tested them out.
- Up, up and away.
- Whoosh.
- Useful for sweeping up too.
- Spooky ghosts everywhere.