Introducing our Rights Respecting School Officers for 2022 – 2023!
We are all very excited to be Harlow Green’s Rights Respecting Officers for this academic year. We have lots of events, fundraising activities, and campaigns to take part which we are looking forward to sharing with you all. Each term we will be writing a newsletter for everyone to gain an understanding of what we do and share things we are completing behind the scenes to make sure all children in our school, gain access to their children’s rights.
Please have a read of our first newsletter of this academic year. You will find information about what Rights Respect is, why we support this at Harlow Green and how you can help to ensure all children have access to their rights at home too. There are also updates of campaigns and fundraisers that we have worked on so far in the Autumn term, as well as future dates for your diary.
We are looking forward to working on our Rights Respecting School journey this year.
From all your Rights Respecting Officers