In Year 4 this week, the children have been learning all about advent in RE. They learnt that ‘advent’ means the arrival or the coming and Christians spend this time preparing for Jesus.
The children then learnt how different countries around the world celebrate advent. In the UK, children often receive advent calendars. In church, an advent wreath is used and candles are lit each Sunday leading up to Christmas. In China, beautiful paper lanterns are made and displayed on the houses that are celebrating advent. In Germany, St Nicholas day is celebrated on the 6th December. Children leave their shoes outside the night before and St Nicholas fills them with sweets and presents. In Denmark, people make an advent wreath using bread. Some choose to eat the wreath whereas others use it as a beautiful decoration. Finally, in Mexico, a nine day procession takes place, where the nativity is re-enacted. At the end, a piñata is broken and shared between families.
The children then created their own advent calendar (with working doors!) which revealed how different countries celebrate advent.