Nursery had a very busy morning, in class we looked at plants that may be a bit “risky”. Thistles, nettles, brambles etc. Miss Rowe showed the children which insects only live on these plants and why it’s so important we allow areas for these habitats to thrive. We watched a short film about all the different insects that pollinate and how we could encourage more of them to our Forest School. Then we set off to find as many spikes and stings and sticky things we could. This allows the children time to understand the Forest School space, to know where these plants grow and how they might modify their behaviour when playing in those areas. This all works towards their sense of ownership and confidence. After some free time to play in the mud kitchen and on the hammocks we then went to sow some wildflower seeds. The children talked about which insects they expect to see once the flowers bloom. Once they’d sowed the seeds they did a rain dance to try and draw the rain from the clouds….sure enough by the afternoon the drizzle started.
Encouraging the children in Foundation Stage to take supported risks, appropriate to the Forest School environment, forms a bedrock for our Forest School sessions as the children journey through school. As you can see here other year groups progress to much more independent play, using tools, ropes and fire, the aim being that we foster resilient, confident, independent and creative learners.
Principle 4: Forest School offers learners the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves.
Article 19 – We all have the right to be protected and feel safe.
- Amazing, here they found holly and nettles growing together.
- Showing his friends.
- Checking for tadpoles.
- No sign of frogs or toads so far this year.
- Brambles, looking forward to harvesting some blackberries in Autumn.
- Looking through to some brambles that have been removed from the site but left as a home for mini-beasts.
- A crown of cleavers.
- The children let the hens out to play.
- Then some free time.
- The children move with confidence….
- …creating their own recipes in the mud kitchen.
- Parkour anyone?
- Then trying out our new hammocks.
- The flower garden being sowed.
- The children are hoping to see butterflies….
- ….maybe some ladybirds….
- …..buzzy bees and many more.
- After all that hard work and play time for snack in the nursery garden.
- Phew what a busy morning.
- Year 6 decided to use tarps and netting to enhance their Sukkahs.
- This is a completely natural shelter. The density of the build is very impressive.
- A sleeping shelter.
- Very cosy.
- Trying out some whittling.
- Working away from the body.
- This spear has had a throwing handle added.
- Karen, one of our grand-parent helpers, has been working hard in our allotments.
- One of the Year 1 children took this set of photographs, her challenge was to document the session. So here’s the strawberries going into the ground.
- Off to get busy.
- The children even managed to get Mr Mcmann in the hammock to test it out.
- Hmmm whats cooking?
- Silkie getting a cuddle.
- Reception loved the new hammocks.
- Year 2 have been making spears.
- Trying out their work.
- Some spears flew really well.
- Adding on handles.