Our visits to Angel Court continue with printmaker Hannah. This week the residents and children scored nature inspired designs into polystyrene sheets to create print blocks. For inspiration the children picked flowers and blooms from the garden and looked at images of garden flowers and insects. Many helping hands were needed once we got to the printing stage but the results were really effective. Meanwhile Miss Rowe helped Tom and John tackle the garden. We have been power washing the paths so that they are not slippery for residents and adding topsoil to the beds ready for planting out to begin now the weather is finally a bit warmer. After all that hard work we all sat in the garden for refreshments and Hannah read a story in the sunshine. A busy afternoon enjoying time with friends.
6. Forest School uses a range of learner-centred processes to create a community for development and learning.
Article 6 – We all have the right to be alive and develop in the best possible way.
- It was lovely to see Toms wife Betty join the group and Vera too.
- It went very quiet as everyone concentrated on their designs.
- A bit of team work needed.
- Art was Carols favourite subject at school so she has really enjoyed these sessions.
- Meanwhile John power hosed around the pond. We are going to add some pond weed from our school pond to help keep it oxygenated.
- Tom never stops.