Plenty to do this week at Angel Court, firstly weeding some of the flower beds. Despite soaking the ground the night before, it was dry and hard which made tough going but with perseverance they got the job done. This is work the residents simply can’t do without help, they were very pleased and now they can add fresh peat and get some plants in the ground.
Then under the guidance of Tom the children planted Cosmos, Marigolds and Sunflowers, which will bring some colour to the garden in the next few months. Julie provided very welcome refreshments in the shape of ice-lollies. It was just too hot for the ladies to work in the garden today but they enjoyed sitting in the sun planning out some colourful signs with Hannah, these will be used in the new cafe Pie in the Sky. As we intend to establish more raised beds for vegetables in the garden we hope to link this as part of our from plot to pot project.
Article 23 – We all have the right to special care and support if we are disabled and be able to lead a full and independent life.
Principle 3: Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all those involved, fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners.
- Weeding the hard ground.
- Difficult but with perseverance they got the job done.
- The ladies kept out of the sun and directed proceedings.
- Tom has started planting out.
- A break from the heat.
- A quick game.
- A break before the rest of the plants go in.
- Tom explained how to space the plants.
- Cosmos and marigolds will look beautiful.
- Tom was very happy with their work.
- Kath and some of the children worked on some signage collage for the new cafe.
- The sunflowers are planted and given supports.