This week in Nursery the children have focused on circuses. The children started this week by watching a video of different acts you may find at a circus and talking about whether or not they have been to a circus. They also talked about what acts they would like to see at a circus or what acts they have seen if they have already been to a circus. Later this week, the children were also challenged to guess which circus performer Miss Bloomfield was acting as and then they were encouraged to act as one of the circus performers for others to guess. On Friday, the children talked about what they did at the Summer fayre and any special talents they think they have. This led to the children setting up a stage area for the children to perform songs or dances for each other. During their PE sessions, they were also very lucky to have a visit from Little Movers! In the creative area, the children have made clowns, carnival masks, magic hats and magic wands. In the playdough area, the children have enjoyed counting the number of circus themed objects and moulding the sparkly playdough to make the correct numeral to match the amount. While accessing the outside area, the children have been practising their circus skills. This has included using the hoops, balancing and juggling and bowling outside.
Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education.
Article 29 – We all have the right to develop our talents and abilities.