As Year 4 had a historian in school this week to teach them about Anglo Saxon and Viking battles, Miss Rowe thought they might like to try their hand at some mock battling before their Forest School session started.
During the session, they had a clear grasp of battle formations, organised themselves quickly and with confidence. Quite fearsome to see them charging forwards using a variety of formations that could be used in different situations. They could explain what they were doing and why and are now keen to create some spears and shields.
Mr McMann discussed with the children how this knowledge transfers through to sport and invasion games. Really interesting to see the children begin see the relevance and to understand the concepts of defence and attack. Why guarding space is so key, grasping the importance of what happens if you leave areas or people defenceless and which attacks have most success. If its a life or death situation suddenly it becomes very important.
Principle 4: Forest School offers learners the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves.
Article 6: we all have the right to be alive and develop in the best possible way.
- Getting into formation.
- Charge!
- Protecting the Queen.
- A spear-headed attack.