The snow makes everything look beautiful, but for many of the older people in our community they can feel isolated and trapped inside. They were thrilled therefore to see the children who came and gritted their garden so residents can still get outside if they want to. The sun was shining as the children worked and Bing Crosby was ringing out from the community rooms. The children made sure Angel Courts hens were ready for the weekend and some hens came inside so that the residents could see them. Then it was time for a drink and some of Julies lovely cakes. To help warm everyone up Flo lead a sing-a-long with Bing and even got the children dancing, they didn’t need much persuasion. Elsie said it makes their week when the children come to visit, they look forward to it so much. We are very happy that between Angel Court, Equal Arts and our school we have raised a further block of funding that will enable us to continue these sessions in the New Year. So many benefits for everyone involved.
Article 15: We all have the right to friends.
- Kath was thrilled to hold one of the bantams.
- This hen Elsie calls Tufty because of her fluffy head.
- Flo decided it was time to get moving.
- Now who’s dreaming of a white Christmas?