This term in our Forest School sessions we are preparing for our annual survey for The RSPB Big School Bird-watch. Year 6 are busy building bird-hides. The structure of their builds is linked to their RE study regarding the Jewish Festival of Sukkot. Trying to use the detailed guidance for building of Sukkahs, a temporary structure used for the celebration, makes this construction quite a challenge. The children however are not daunted and are showing a good understanding of how to make the hut robust enough for use, but still “open” enough to be able to see the sky clearly. Once they have risk assessed their Sukkahs they can then move onto the decorating stage. These huts will then be used across school during the bird-watch itself.
Meanwhile the younger children have been playing predator and prey games. These don’t lend themselves to photographs but rest assured the children are throwing themselves into it with gusto. Playing Hawks and the Sparrows helps children to understand how these different birds behave particularly in flight. Then this week we have moved onto bird identification games like Your’e only safe if……….. a tag game where children are only safe if they are near the correct bird. This game really gets the children moving, very useful in this cold weather, it can be elaborated and extended as the children knowledge increases. So from You’re only safe if you’re standing near a magpie to You’re only safe if your near a bird with webbed feet for example. The children have to start to recognise plumage, understand about its habitat, food sources and so on.
Principle 5: Forest School is run by qualified Forest School practitioners who continuously maintain and develop their professional practice.
Article 3: Everyone who works with children should always do what is best for the child.
- These children are using some netting that is already in place for the roof.
- Testing for risk.
- Some debate here in the planning stage but it will come together.
- Very important to make anything heavy secure.
- Upright supports were added last week when the ground was still soft.
- Beginning to add cross supports to give stability.
- Split Formia leaves make a tough fastening that grips to itself making it easier to handle than string.
- You can see the structure taking shape.
- Very important to stop, stand back and reassess progress.
- You’re only safe if…..
- These sparrows are safe for now but watch out for those cheeky sparrow-hawks.
- Nursery use clay to fashion birds.
- They use foliage for detailing the tail feathers.
- Reading all about birds eggs.
- Bird-watching.
- The children could describe the birds that they could see.
- Their clay birds were put on the window because they wanted the real birds to see them.