Having free time to experiment in our Forest School is the perfect way for the children to gain confidence and independence. As you can see they approached the session with gusto. It was lovely to see them playing together, helping each other and sharing ideas. This free play time is so vital for the children’s development, they learn to problem solve, assess for risk, they learn about their innately personal abilities and boundaries. They learn about nurturing and recognising need in others. All this play helps them to understand their place in the world without them even realising it. If only all learning was this much fun!.
The Risk Principle: Forest School offers learners the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves.
Article 6: We all have the right to be alive and develop in the best possible way.
- Snuggling down in the hammock with friends.
- Now that’s what we needed another friend to push.
- Just hanging about with mates.
- Sometimes its good to challenge yourself and go a little higher.
- Hhhmmmm what shall we do with all this stuff.
- They built and climbed.
- They added bits.
- They made bridges….watch out for the lava!
- More parts added.
- They supported each other.
- Who needs adults? We can do so much on our own!