John, one of the Angel Court residents, has a passion for gnomes. He has joined a new walking group on Fridays, which he is really enjoying but we know he misses seeing the children each week. With that in mind we thought it would be a nice surprise to make some gnomes for him and place them in the community garden.
As you can see the residents and children created some quirky little characters. They manipulated the clay and attached additional parts like hats and feet by scoring the clay on both sides then adding slip (liquid clay) to join the parts together. They learned some new skills, such as using an extruder, which forces the clay through a tube to create long piece. Extruders can come in a variety of shapes but we used round ones today to create hair like strings of clay. We hope John will like his new Garden Gonks.
With a bit of time left at the end of the session, the children helped Vera to create some fishes and flowers which once fired will be strung together to create wind chimes. Next week we should see some of pots coming through from the kilns which we can then decorate ready for their final firing.
Article 27: We all have the right to a good standard of living.
- Always time for some photo-bombing silliness. Vera particularly liked Miss Rowe’s mustache.