Everyone in Year One has been thoroughly enjoying our new text ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’.
In the story Mrs Grinling packs a delicious lunch for Mr Grinling every day and sends it down the wire to the lighthouse on the rocks. But one Monday something terrible happened. Mr Grinling’s lunch is devoured by three scavenging seagulls. In our classes we investigated disgusting ingredients that Mrs Grinling could use to fill a sandwich and scare off the seagulls. We decided that sardines, mustard, curry, chilli and pickles were the most revolting ingredients. Some of them smelled disgusting. Together we made a sandwich using all of the ingredients. It was horrible and we decided it was best not to eat it.
Later in the week, we drew our own disgusting sandwich and used adjectives to describe some of the disgusting ingredients we used.