The sacrament of baptism

During our RE work this term, the boys and girls in Year 3 have been learning about Christianity.

The children began by learning about John the Baptist and were able to retell his story using visual prompts. As John the Baptist told people to repent their sins, the children wrote about something they wanted to say sorry for. These were written on water drops to symbolise the importance of water to the lives of Christians. They also made a suggestion about what they would do differently next time to make a positive change.

The children have also been learning about baptism ceremonies and the significance of these to Christians. They thoroughly enjoyed watching videos to understand what happens during a baptism ceremony and then created their own sacrament symbol for baptism, explaining their choices. Within these symbols, the children drew images of objects or symbols they had seen used during the baptism ceremony.

Article 14 – We all have the right to follow our own religion.

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