Fruit kebabs

This week we have been studying design and technology.

It all started by investigating which foods are healthy and which are unhealthy, and sorting foods into a table.  The pupils all decided that fruit was a healthy option and we used this as a basis for our design for fruit kebabs.  Everyone primarily designed their kebab using grapes, strawberries, satsumas and bananas.  Some children even included a repeating pattern on their kebab. The children made a list of the things that they needed to make their fruit kebab.

The children also learnt about the importance of hygiene and washing preparation surfaces and hands before cooking.  We used a chopping board and knife to carefully cut up the fruit before putting each piece on a skewer. All the kebabs looked amazing and  the children enjoyed eating it the most. Finally, the children evaluated their fruit kebabs by saying what they liked the most about their creation.

Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education.

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