School Fair

Our family members, friends, members of the community, children and staff all enjoyed a fantastic afternoon on the school grounds at our school fair.  Once again, the weather was hot and sunny and everyone enjoyed having a go at traditional games such as lucky dip, scoop a duck and the coconut shy.  Other sports games were popular too, with families trying their hand at archery, basketball and the football speed gun challenge.  Many people were tempted by the food on offer and enjoyed waffles, candy floss, ice-creams and pizzas and garlic bread made in our outdoor pizza oven.  Our choir and dance group provided the entertainment throughout the afternoon.  Many of the children enjoyed ‘Sponge the teacher’ and Mr Malik, Mr McMann and Mr Allen were very willing volunteers. Tyne and Wear Fire Service kindly gave up their time to bring a fire engine onto the school site which the children enjoyed exploring.  Lots of our younger children enjoyed creating bubbles of all shapes and sizes on our school field too.  This year, as part of their enterprise project, our Year 6 pupils worked in small groups to sell a range of items that they’d made, such as milkshakes, biscuits and jewellery.

Article 31 – We all have the right to rest, relax and play.




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