Community Care

This week Year Two visited Saltwell Park. As part of their PSHE work the children have been thinking about how they could help their local community. They took part in a litter pick while they were there and also used the opportunity to carry out some geography fieldwork.

When they arrived, the children walked through the park to the field. Before beginning the litter pick, the children enjoyed a picnic lunch in the sunshine.  They had a lovely time chatting to their friends as they tucked in to their delicious picnic.

Once everyone had finished eating, it was time to start litter picking. The boys and girls first discussed which litter it was safe for them to collect and identified the importance of using the litter pickers rather than their hands to pick up any litter. The children got into groups and were given their litter picking equipment. They were lucky enough to have been supplied with litter pickers by Energie. The children found that although the area initially looked quite tidy, there was actually a lot of litter in the bushes and trees surrounding the field. A lot of this litter was made of plastic, which can be very harmful to the wildlife. They also discovered a lot of litter around the picnic tables.

After that, the children completed some fieldwork. They discussed which areas of the park they had found the most litter and then created a simple key to represent this. They worked in pairs to complete their maps. These showed that most litter was around the picnic tables; some was in the bushes and little to no litter was found in the open field.

Finally, the children were given the opportunity to explore the play area for some well-deserved playtime. The boys and girls were very proud of themselves and were pleased that they had been able to help both their local community and the wildlife.


Article 24: We all have the right to live in a clean and safe environment.

Article 32: We all have the right to rest, relax and play.


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