Beautiful Bunting

In DT, Year Two have designed and made a piece of bunting. As they prepare for Year Three, the children’s designs reflected their hobbies and interests.  

To begin, the children learned about John Kay – an incredible inventor. He invented the flying shuttle which significantly improved the process of weaving fabric. Kay’s invention sped up the process and reduced the number of people required to carry out the work. Then, the children found out about bunting and what it is used for. They learned that bunting is a decoration made up of small colourful flags. It has been used to celebrate significant events, past and present, including the Harlow Green Summer Fayre.

Once the children had completed their research, it was time to design their bunting. The children thought of two things about themselves, including their hobbies, favourite subjects and beloved pets. They then combined their ideas to create their final design. Next, the children had to make a list of what they would need to create their bunting. They identified that they would need fabric, thread, needles and fabric pens for decoration.

Once their design was complete, it was time to make. The children used carboard templates to practise threading the needle in the style of a running stitch. When they were confident, the children applied their learning to sew their fabric together. Even though it was challenging to keep the thread in the needle and push it through the fabric, the children persevered and produced a brilliant running stitch. They then used fabric pens to add their design to their bunting.

Finally, the children evaluated their product. They had to say whether they had met the design brief and explain how they had been successful. The children also commented on things they found difficult, if anything, and explained why.

Article 28: We all have the right to a good quality education.

Article 31: We all have the right to take part in cultural and creative activities.



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