
Our art in Year 6 this term, has involved us sculpting 3D models. We made links to other areas of the curriculum and made clay sculptures of people in Pompeii after the eruption at Vesuvius and art straw models of Olympic sports.

The unit started by looking at the work of some famous artists – Henry Moore and Giacometti. This allowed us to see how they had created sculptures and how the outline shapes were more important in their artwork than lots of detail. We then sketched what our designs might look like before making our models. When using the clay, we had to make sure we blended the clay so that it was smooth as it could crack once dried.

We really enjoyed the opportunity to express ourselves using different media and it was also interesting to come up with the literal names for the sculptures – in the style of both artists.

Article 31: We all have the right to take part in cultural and creative activities.

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