Graduation 2024

For Year 6, today marked the start of their Leavers’ Celebrations as they prepare to finish their time at Harlow Green to begin the next step in their educational journey.

The Graduation Ceremony is the most formal part of the events, but it is one that has particular significance as the children contemplate the next step in their lives and parents, and children alike, say goodbye to Harlow Green.

It was lovely to see the children recognising the importance of the occasion and sitting smartly and quietly – perhaps thinking about the words of Mr Malik, or considering that this was one of the last times they would all be in the hall together.

For the teachers, it was an opportunity to reflect with pride upon the children and their achievements, both academic and personal, as the year comes towards an end.

Well done to the Class of 2024! You have been an absolute pleasure and everyone at Harlow Green wishes you much success and happiness.

Article 31: We all have the right to take part in cultural and creative activities.

Year Six Graduation

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