Amazing River Trip!

Yesterday, Year 5 took a trip to the Breamish Valley in Ingram to explore how the river has had an effect on the surrounding landscape as well as looking at features of rivers such as the speed and depth.

After a long bus ride, the classes split off in to two groups.

Across the day, the children got to experience two amazing activities. Miss Eggenton’s class began climbing one of the large hills along the course of the river. After reaching the look-out point,  the children took in the amazing views and landscapes that the Breamish Valley had to offer. The class discussed the history of the landscape (which was used during the Iron Age over 2,500 years ago) and talked about how the river would have affected the surrounding land.  Then, the class were given the task of sketching the landscape around them.  Mr Hockaday’s class began their day in the river looking at different species which lived there. The children loved wading through the river in their wellies and being fully immersed in the experience! The children also measured the width and depth of the river.

After a spot of lunch at the rivers edge, the classes swapped over activities. The children thoroughly enjoyed their day and have already linked what they have found out on their school trip during their Geography lesson.

Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education

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